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Many family law cases, such as divorces and adoptions, are more than just the filing of legal documents, they are major life changes. As the relationships in your life become redefined, there will be many things to think about. The decisions that you make during your legal proceedings will have a major impact on the rest of your life. In situations like this, having an attorney to be your advocate and protect your best interests can be invaluable in reducing your stress, lowering your costs, and assuring that the outcome is fair and reasonable. At the Walls Law Firm, we handle the process so that you can concentrate on moving on with your life.
We strive to get you a fair result. For example, a fair result means that your assets are fairly divided, support is set at the right amount based upon all relevant facts and your relationship with your children is preserved. Ideally, these results can be negotiated, but if the other side is unreasonable, we are tough, experienced advocates who know how to work within the legal system to get you what you need.
Also, we try to keep your legal costs as reasonable as possible by doing things right the first time and considering at all times whether the results will justify the dollars you spend.
We understand how unique and delicate family situations can be, thus we make it our top priority to resolve family disputes as quickly as possible in a manner that puts the best interests of the children first, facilitates understanding, and repairs relationships. In addition to flexible payment plans, we offer our family law services for an affordable flat fee. You have the option of paying in full upfront or applying for legal fee financing and choosing a payment plan that fits your budget. We offer the following family law services:

We value your family

Step parent adoption
Relative adoption
Alimony/ Spousal Support
Establishment of spousal support order
Enforcement of spousal support order
Modification of spousal support order
Child Custody
Establishment of child custody order
Enforcement of child custody order
Modification fo child custody order
Child Support
Establishment of child support order
Enforcement of child support orders
Modification of child support orders
Child Visitation
Establishment of child visitation order
Enforcement of child visitation order
Modification of child visitation order
Uncontested Divorce
Contested Divorce
Postnuptial Agreements
Legal Separation
Uncontested Legal Separation
Contested Legal Separation
Name Change
Child Name Change
Establishment of paternity
Disestablishment of paternity
Click the link below to get a family law planning session with our Memphis family law attorney. During your family law planning session, our Memphis family law attorney will review your situation and provide you with a family law game plan to help you avoid potentially costly mistakes.