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Estate Planning
Ensuring you, your finances, and your loved ones
are protected and provided for in the best way possible
in the event of your incapacity or death.

While no one wants to think about death, incapacity, or disability, establishing a solid estate plan is one of the most important steps you can take to protect yourself, your finances, and your loved ones.
Many people have the misconception that estate planning is only for the elderly and rich. Estate planning is a plan for life. Thus, it is something that we all should do, regardless of our age or financial status. Having the right estate plan in place can help ensure that your loved ones are well provided for, your minor children are cared for by a person you choose, and your legacy and values will continue to live on. Estate planning also helps to ensure your assets are protected and your affairs are handled properly if you ever become incapacitated and unable to make medical or financial decisions for yourself.
Schedule an Estate Planning Session with our Memphis estate planning attorney today, so that you can gain peace of mind knowing that you and your loved ones will be protected in the event of your death or disability. We offer affordable flat fee Estate Planning Packages and flexible payment plans to fit almost any budget.
To get started, simply click the button below to schedule your Estate Planning Session.
Our Estate Planning Packages
We offer affordable flat fee estate planning packages that are thoughtfully designed
to provide varying levels of protection for you and your loved ones.

Estate Plan
Starting Price:
Single Person - $500
Couple - $875

Estate Plan
Starting Price:
Single Person - $750
Couple - $1250

Estate Plan
Starting Price:
Single Person - $1600
Couple - $2100
While we customize each of our estate plans to meet
each of our clients' unique needs and goals, there are certain
core documents that you can expect from every Walls Law Firm estate plan.
Whether you choose our Health-Care Estate Plan, Will-Based Estate Plan or a Trust-Based Estate Plan, your estate plan will include the following:
Estate Planning Session - During your estate planning session, you will spend up to one hour with our Tennessee estate planning attorney to determine your estate planning needs and goals. Our estate planning attorney will assist you with finding out what the people you love would have to deal with if you were to become incapacitated or pass so that you can decide if the current state of your affairs is okay with you. Before your Estate Planning Session, you will need to complete our estate planning intake form. Completing our estate planning intake form will help you to get clear understanding about what you own and what you have to think about when it comes to planning for the well-being and care of your loved ones. If you don't already have your financial house in order, you will after your Estate Planning Session. Your Estate Planning Session may be in person at our office, by phone, or by video conference. Our office is located in Memphis, but we serve all of Tennessee. The cost of the Estate Planning Session is $100, if you purchase one of our estate planning services, the cost of the planning session is credited to the cost of your estate planning service. This will make the planning session free in effect.
Power of Attorney for Finances – A Power of Attorney for Finances is an estate planning document that allows you to designate someone you trust to handle your finances. You can choose to give someone the authority to handle your finances immediately or only upon your incapacity. The choice is yours. By completing this estate planning document, you are able to avoid the necessity of an expensive conservatorship proceeding to designate someone to be in charge of your finances in the event that you become incapacitated. In addition, you are able to decrease the chances of someone who you would never want being over your finances being appointed by the court to be in charge of your finances.
Advanced Health Care Directive - An Advanced Health Care Directive is an estate planning document that includes a health care power of attorney designation that allows you to choose people you trust to make medical decisions, sign consents, and/or releases with hospitals and/or doctors. It also acts as your "living will" for end of life decisions.
Health Care Power of Attorney – Specifying a health care power of attorney in your Advanced Health Care Directive allows you to designate someone you trust to make health care decisions on your behalf in the event that you become incapacitated. By having this estate planning document, you are able to avoid the necessity of an expensive conservatorship proceeding to designate someone to be in charge of your health care decisions in the event that you become incapacitated. In addition, you are able to decrease the chances of someone who you would never want being appointed by the court to be in charge of your health care decisions.
Living Will – Including a living will in your Advanced Health Care Directive lets you specify what care you want to or do not want to receive if you are incapacitated. You may specify the care you wish to receive based on your prognosis and your chance of recovery. By having this estate planning document, you are able to reduce your loved ones’ conflict and stress by providing them a clear guide specify the medical help you wish to receive during a time that will already be filled with grief and sorrow. In addition, you are able to avoid the necessity of an expensive court proceeding to designate the medical interventions you should receive in the event that you become incapacitated.
HIPPA Authorization and Waiver – The HIPPA Authorization and Waiver is an estate planning document that gives your health care providers permission to share certain medical information with your loved ones. Without this document, your medical providers may refuse to share information about your medical condition with your loved ones.
Final Disposition Instructions - The Final Disposition Instructions allows you to specify how you wish to have your remains be dealt with (i.e., cremation or burial); provide details of any prior memorial, funeral, or burial arrangements you have made or will prefer, and designate someone you trust to carry out your wishes.
If you choose our Will-Based Estate Plan, then your estate planning package will include the documents listed above in addition to the following document:
Last Will and Testament – A Last Will and Testament is an estate planning document that is typically the foundation of a will-based estate plan. By completing this estate planning document, you are able to designate what will happen to your assets upon your death. Five specific bequests are included in this Last Will and Testament. In addition you are able to designate a guardian for your minor or dependent children and pets upon your death. If you purchase a Trust-Based Estate Plan, your Last Will and Testament will “pour-over” your assets into your Revocable Living Trust. Under the terms of the "pour-over" Will, any assets held by you at the time of your death that have not been previously transferred to your Trust will be added to the Trust at the time of your death; however, it may be subject to a probate administration to do so. The purpose of a "pour-over" Will is to make sure all of your assets (whether in the Trust or not) are distributed according to the dispositive plan set forth in your Trust.
If you choose our Trust-Based Estate Plan, then your estate planning package will include the documents listed above in addition to the following documents:
Revocable Living Trust – This estate planning document is designed to avoid the necessity of probate, help you protect your assets, and help you ensure your assets go to who you want them to go to. This Revocable Living Trust includes up to five specific bequests. In addition, by implementing sub-trusts, the living trust may offer your beneficiaries the ability to qualify for government assistance and protect your beneficiaries’ inheritance in the event that they go through divorce or bankruptcy.
Personal Property Memorandum - The Personal Property Memorandum is an estate planning document that allows you to provide instructions for the distribution of your personal property. It allows you to gift specific personal property, such as jewelry and furniture, to specific people upon your death.
Certification of Trust – The Certification of Trust is an estate planning document that outlines the key terms of your trust so that you do not have to give third parties your entire trust document. The Certification of Trust sets forth the existence of your Trust and your unlimited rights as Trustee to deal with any account or asset held in Trust. The Certification acts as a short version of the Trust Agreement and gives any third party all the information required from the Trust without getting into the dispositive provisions, which are (and should) remain confidential.
Assignment of Personal Property – The Assignment of Personal Property is an estate planning document that allows you to transfer all of your tangible personal property to your trust. This is also referred to as funding your trust, and allows you to avoid the necessity or possibility of having to probate those assets. The Assignment of Personal Property also transfers your digital assets and/or rights (including any social media, online account, and or email accounts) to the Trust.
Trust Funding Instructions – In order for your Trust to be effective at avoiding probate, you must transfer ("title") your assets into the name of your Trust. The Trust Funding Instructions is an estate planning document that provides you detailed information on how to transfer ("title") assets to your living trust.
Declaration of Trust - The Declaration of Trust is an estate planning document that under certain, very limited circumstances, could possibly be helpful after your death if you neglected to transfer a valuable asset to your Trust. The Declaration of Trust confirms that you intended to include all of your assets within your Trust. The Declaration of Trust is not a substitute for the requirement that you must transfer ("title") your assets into the name of your Trust in order to avoid a potential probate of those non-Trust assets.
When you purchase one of our estate planning packages, you may also purchase the following optional add on services:
Estate Plan Funding and Settlement – In order for your trust-based estate plan to be effective, you will need to transfer ownership of your assets from your name to your living trust. To save money, you may choose to transfer your assets from your name to the name of your trust yourself. When you purchase this service, we will transfer your assets from your name to your living trust for you.
Long-Term Care Strategy Development – When you choose this service, we will assist you with understanding your Medicaid and /or Veterans’ Affair Pension benefits.
Standalone Trusts- When you choose this add on, we can assist you with irrevocable living trusts, special needs trusts, or charitable remainder trusts.
Business Succession Plan - When you choose this add on estate planning service, we will help you determine how to ensure your business will continue to thrive after your death or incapacity.
Real Property Documents (if you own property in Tennessee)-
Beneficiary Deed – When you choose this add on estate planning service, you receive Quit Claim deed to automatically transfer your real property to a beneficiary or your living trust at your death;
Homestead Declaration – When you choose this add on estate planning service, you receive a homestead declaration that provides added protection from creditors.
Child Care and Parenting Plan – A Child Care and Parenting Plan is an estate planning document for parents and guardians with minor or dependent children. Our Child Care and Parenting Plan allows you to choose who you want to care for your children in the event of your absence. In addition, our Child Care and Parenting Plan allows you to specify how you want your children to be cared for, including, but not limited to, religious upbringing, health care, education, extracurricular activities, disciplinary practices, and any other parenting decision that you deem to be important. Our Child Care and Parenting Plan is designed to act as a guide for the court and your children's caregivers and medical providers in the event of your absence. When you purchase our Child Care and Parenting Plan, you will have peace of mind in knowing that your children will be cared for by someone you trust and in the manner you choose in the event of your absence, death, or disability.
We offer all of our estate planning services for an affordable flat fee agreed upon in advance. We also offer flexible payment plans. For people with a total estate less than $5.49 million, the starting prices for our estate planning packages are as follows:
Health-Care Estate Plan:
Single peron - $500
Couple - $875
Will-Based Estate Plan:
Single person - $750
Couple - $1250
Trust-Based Estate Plan:
Single Person - $1600
Couple - $2100
Child Care and Parenting Plan
Single person - $300
couple - $500
Estate Plan Funding and Settlement - $250 per asset
Long-Term Care Strategy Development:
Medicaid only - $1500
Medicaid and VA Pension - $2000
Real Property Documents:
Beneficiary Deed- $150
Homestead Declaration - $150
Most Common Estate Planning Documents:
Advanced Healthcare Directive - $300
Living Will
Designation of Power of Attorney for Healthcare
HIPPA Authorization - $100
Durable Power of Attorney for Finances - $150
Last Will and Testatment - $350
Revocable Living Trust - $850
Our Estate Planning Prices
When to get an Estate Plan

Your loved ones depend on you...
...don't leave their future up to fate!
It is often said that timing is everything. This is especially true in estate planning. Creating an estate plan is an opportunity to provide for your loved ones, clearly outline how you want your estate to be divided up after you are gone, and protect yourself in the event you become incapacitated. However, if you wait too long, you just might miss your chance completely. Thus, procrastinating may result in you leaving your property subjected to Tennessee intestacy laws and your loved ones’ well-being in the hands of the court system.
The Walls Law Firm understands that the idea of creating an estate plan can be intimidating and overwhelming for some. We also know that creating an estate plan is one of the best things you can do to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your property after you are gone or become incapacitated. Thus, we offer a low cost Estate Planning Session to review your particular situation and help you develop an estate plan to help ensure you, your loved ones, and your finances are protected.
Estate Planning That Fits Your Needs
Since a will – or last will and testament as it is sometimes called – is a legal document that details how you would like your assets distributed after your death, it is in your best interest to have an experienced wills and estate planning attorney draft it. Your will can outline your wishes on many issues related to your estate, including:
Leaving your assets to specific people or organizations
Naming a guardian to care for your minor children, and
Designating a personal representative to carry out your wishes.
At the Walls Law Firm, our deep understanding of the intricacies of Tennessee estate law enables us to guide our clients through the process of identifying assets and determining the best way to protect them. We then create a clear, legally sound estate plan that outlines your wishes in simple and concise terms designed to ensure the courts follow your wishes. If you would prefer for your loved ones to not have to involve the court when carrying out your wishes, our estate planning attorney will also inform you of how a revocable living trust can help keep your estate out of probate.
Schedule an Estate Planning Session with our Memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee Wills and Estate Planning Lawyer
Why leave the future security of your loved ones up to chance and the division of your property in the hands of fate? Let the skilled Tennessee estate planning attorney at the Walls Law Firm create an estate plan that fits your needs. Contact us today to schedule an Estate Planning Session with our Memphis wills and estate planning attorney.
Family Wealth Planning
Healthcare/ Incapacity Planning
Legacy Preservation
Planning for Single Parents with Minor Children
Planning for Couples with Minor Children
Long Term Care Planning
Medicaid Planning
Special Needs Planning
Business Succession Planning
Business Planning and Formation
Property Agreements
Post-Marital Agreements
Pre-Marital Agreements
Asset Protection
Healthcare Power of Attorney
Financial Power of Attorney
Health Care Directives
HIPPA Authorizations
Regardless of your age or the the amount of your assets, you need an estate plan! Estate planning is a very important part of preparing for the future. Having an estate plan in place helps to ensure that your friends and family know exactly what steps to take if for some reason you become incapacitated and are unable to make decisions for yourself. It also allows you to provide for your loved ones and have a voice when deciding what will happen to your minor children, assets and property once you pass away. The benefits of estate planning are infinite. Below you will find ten of the top reasons you should come and see us so that we can help you create a solid estate plan.

Top ten reasons to create an estate plan.
Provide support and financial stability - Whether you are your family's breadwinner or caretaker, your loved ones depend on you. If something was to happen to you, your loved ones will have to deal with the great emotional stress of lossing you. During this already difficult time, you don't want to burden your loved ones with the additional stress of having to figure out how they will survive financially or who will care for your kids. You can help prevent making an already difficult situation devastating by ensuring that you make provisions for your loved ones financial support and stability. By planning in advance, you can ensure that your surviving spouse, children, and/or grandchildren are provided for and protected in the best way possible.
Preserve wealth - By planning in advance you can preserve your wealth for later generations. Estate planning allows you to designate who you wish to receive what property. With a well thought out estate plan, you can put safe guards in place to prevent your beneficaries' inheritance from being accessible to your beneficiaries' creditors and spouses. You can also create special needs trusts to ensure that your beneficiaries do not loose essential government aid, such as SSI and Medicaid, as a result of inheriting from you.
Ensure your wishes are carried out - Developing an estate plan allows you to ensure your wishes are carried out. Without a solid estate plan, someone who don't know or trust could be allowed to make important financial and medical decisions on your behalf if you ever become incompetent and are unable to manage your affairs. A solid estate plan can give you peace of mind by allowing you to choose someone you know and trust to make important medical and financial decisions on your behalf. A solid estate plan can also allow you to choose someone you know and trust to care for your minor children in your absence.
Support a charity - By planning ahead, you can choose to support your favorite charity or cause with a gift of money, securities, or other property.
Distribute assets - A solid estate plan can ensure that your assets are distributed assets to your loved ones in a timely fashion, with minimum legal hassles.
Minimize expenses - A solid estate plan can help you minimize the taxes and expenses that can go along with transferring assets.
Provide - A solid estate plan can provide you peace of mind in knowing that your loved ones will have enough money to pay their living expenses and prevent the forced sale of assets.
Limit issues - A solid estate plan can limit issues for your loved ones by clearly specifying beneficiaries and the benefits you want them to receive.
Protect your privacy - A solid estate plan can protect your family's privacy by preventing your will from having to be probated and becoming public record.
Set and meet expectations - A solide estate plan can allow you to set and meet expectations of your survivors so there is no confusion or misunderstanding.

Why You Need an Estate Plan
Our Tennessee estate planning attorney is dedicated to listening to your concerns and guiding you through the process to help you establish an estate plan that works for you and your loved ones. We offer serveral low cost flat fee Estate Planning Services and flexible payment plans. Some of the estate planning services we offer are:

Our Estate Planning Process

Our planning process for each type of estate plan
is generally completed in two (2) steps:
Estate Planning Session: We begin each case with an Estate Planning Session that typically lasts up to 1 hour. During the Estate Planning Session, your intake form will be reviewed, and your estate planning needs will be discussed. Our estate planning attorney will assist you with finding out what the people you love would have to deal with if you were to become incapacitated or pass so that you can decide if the current state of your affairs is okay with you. If the current state of your affairs is not okay with you, we will explain the various strategies that can be implemented to assist you in making things as easy as possible for your loved ones in the event of your death or disability, because no one wants to leave a mess for their loved ones to clean up. Before your Estate Planning Session, you will need to complete our estate planning intake form. Completing our estate planning intake form will help you to get clear understanding about what you own and what you have to think about when it comes to planning for the well-being and care of your loved ones. If you don't already have your financial house in order, you will after your Estate Planning Session. The decision to engage our services to prepare a specific type of estate plan is also made during the Estate Planning Session. If our services are engaged, then you will be provided an Attorney-Client Agreement and your payment options will be discussed. The Estate Planning Session may be in person in our office, by telephone, or by video conference. You may choose the method that works best for you. The cost of the Estate Planning Session is $100, if you purchase one of our estate planning services, the cost of the planning session is credited to the cost of your estate planning service. This will make your estate planning session free in effect! Click the following link to schedule your Estate Planning Session. If you would like to learn more about the Estate Planning Session, click the following link: Learn more about the Estate Planning Session.
Document Review and Signing Meeting: The Document Review and Signing Meeting is a meeting that lasts up to ninety minutes where we review your drafted estate planning documents and execute them. Prior to this meeting you will be emailed a draft of your estate planning documents for your review. During the Document Review and Signing Meeting you will review your estate planning document with our attorney and any necessary adjustments and revisions will be made. If you have any questions or concerns about your estate planning documents, they will be discussed during this meeting. After you are content with your estate planning documents, they will be printed, signed, notarized and/or witnessed as needed. This appointment takes place in our office located at 1661 International Drive; Suite 400; Memphis, Tennessee 38120.